VR enthusiast

Ever since trying out the HTC Vive in 2015, I have been fascinated by the incredible potential of VR technologies. Over the years, I have been championing the use VR for various use cases such as training in manufacturing and learning for autistic children.

My enthusiasm for VR technologies have led me to found the first Cambridge VR/AR society in Cambridge. I managed to secure various bits of resources, grant funding, and awards, to work on epxloratory VR projects. Many of such projects have been presented to high-profile individuals and visitors to the University of Cambridge.

vr 1 Presenting VR to Professor Stephen Toope, Vice-Chancellor of University of Cambridge

vr 2 Presenting VR to Datuk Seri Mohd Redzuan bin Md Yusof, former Malaysian Minister of Entrepreneur Development

vr 3 Presenting VR to Mohamad Sadik Kethergany, Malaysian Ambassador to UK

vr 4 Presenting VR to members of public in Cambridge

I also had the opportunity to try out state-of-the-art VR-related haptics technologies. It is incredibly difficult to describe how amazing some of these yet-to-be released prototypes feel!

vr 4 vr 4

Championed VR in Churchill College, Cambridge

Developed Virtual Reality Network Visualizer