ICON Apps 3 - Interware

Participted in MDEC’s ICON Apps 3 under the Windows platform track. I developed an app to interface Windows devices with Arduino.

The idea comes from the desire to utilize the peripherals on mobile devices as input or output for embedded devices. This is because one of the issues with with developing embedded system projects is getting the right sensors and displays to interface with the embedded system. Being able to utilize all the peripherals of a mobile device (e.g. phone), you open up a lot of possibilities with little additional cost (assuming you already have a Windows device of course).

MDEC was incredibly generous and supportive in providing access to training and hardware for the development. Definitely learnt a lot on developing for Universal Windows Platform (UWP) using .NET framework.

interware 1 interware 2 Screenshots of Interware app on a Windows Surface Pro device.

interware 2 Had to rush to finish up the code on my way to the airport as I was about to depart to Cambridge for my studies at the time.